Audit and certify your conformity in data protection with Europrivacy.
We are pleased to announce that DNV has been selected and qualified as EuroprivacyTM/® official partner by the European Centre for Certification and Privacy. This will translate into providing adequate support to our clients as they embark on the certification journey to ensure the conformity of their data processing activities with Europrivacy and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The Europrivacy certification scheme is a GDPR-by-design certification, developed through the European research programme financed by the European Commission. It is designed to address the specific obligations of the GDPR and to serve as official certification scheme under article 42 of the GDPR. It brings value to companies by demonstrating their engagement in protecting personal data, thus making them a trustable service provider for their customers, as well as a reliable data processor for their business partners and other stakeholders.
“It is increasingly important to take adequate steps towards the adoption of appropriate security measures for the protection of personal data. With EuroprivacyTM/®, DNV certifies the client's conformity of their data processing activities with Europrivacy and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),” says Giovanni Francescutti, Global Sales Manager in Business Assurance as he emphasises how the certification is designed to help companies improve performance in terms of data protection.